Non-Fiction Submissions: CLOSED
We are currently closed to unsolicited and non-referral queries for non-fiction as we take time to respond to everyone who's recently queried us (if you've recently queried us, we'll be responding as soon as we can).
Thank you so much for your interest in Courage Literary!
Authors and experts:
Courage Literary, LLC is a media company that works with writers, experts, and storytellers to amplify their voices and help build sustainable and wildly successful careers. We believe that writers need readers and that readers need writers, and we strive to nurture those bonds with every author and project we take on.
What we're looking for:
Timely and timeless works that that make the world a better place.
Our focus is currently on big idea books in the areas of business, self development, social issues, nature and the environment. We're always interested in books that offer a unique solution to a problem, or provide a sense of wonder, insight, or comfort to the reader.
Work with us:
Do you have . . .
- A finished proposal or manuscript? (It’s OK if you don’t)
- A few pages, an idea, or rough overview? (We can work with that)
- A great idea that needs a writer? (We work with a curated list of ghost and co-writers and love to play matchmaker)
To query Courage Literary, send us an email at nonfiction [at]
Please include your website and any relevant social media links.
Fiction Submissions: CLOSED
We are currently closed to unsolicited and non-referred queries, but when we are open to queries we'll share our guidelines and query email address here. We are not monitoring this email address for queries at this time.
Please note: We do not accept snail mail queries!
Nick's former students: Are always encouraged to reach out : )
Newsletter: SUBSCRIBE
If you'd like to get a notification when we open our query inboxes, you can subscribe to the Courage Literary newsletter (where we'll also occasionally post news and updates about the kinds of submissions we're hoping to see here).